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While in the duck blind,
we saw a giant forest
hog. Click on this picture
to see just how ugly it
really was! Very cool
to watch, though.

These were some of
the birds we watched.
It was absolutely
stunning to see!

On the hike back to
the lodge, we saw
these gigantic herons
perched on the top
of this tree. Wow.

On the day we left
the park, we saw this
large herd of elephants
during the drive. See how
they surround the baby
elephant to protect it?

Off they go! What is
the minimum number of
hours that an elephant
needs of sleep? Don't
know? Better check
out "Animal Facts!"

If you're out early
enough, the reward is
seeing hippos out of
the water. I was so
use to seeing them in
the water, that they
seemed weird looking
out of the water.
Shorter and rounder
than I thought.

He doesn't want to
be photographed, so
he's moving on me.
Did you know that
hippos kill more
humans in Africa
than any other animal?
Know why? Better read
up on "Animal Facts!"

See the vervet monkey
way up in the tree?!
He was watching the
hippo, thinking that
they have ugly butts!

A little bit later, we
saw another vervet
monkey but it was on
the ground. Don't you
just want to take
one home? So cute!

The Ugandan kob, and,
yes, this is a postcard. I
missed my opportunities
to take pictures of them,
so I resorted to buying
a postcard. They are
beautiful animals.

Okay, this is what
a baboon looks like
if it would stay still.
Again, I had to resort
to a postcard!

We are now in the
south part of Queen
Elizabeth Park. I
literally had our
driver stop the very
minute we spotted a
baboon! He said, no --
that he wanted to get
closer. But by now I
know they are so hard
to photograph, I'll do
anything to get a picture!

This is a very large
troop of baboons!
There's no dominant
baboon that leads the
troop, as the males
will band together
to defend the group.

These baboons were
gone in a flash! You
have to be ready at
any moment to capture
pictures of them. This
troop is out foraging
but for what, you ask?
Better read up
on "Animal Facts."
Copyright © 2002,
Dawn M. Dalton.
All rights reserved.