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Hippos on the move.
We were too close to
them. Don't they
have ugly butts?

African Fish Eagles.
An estimated 100 pairs
live along this channel.
Known as "the voice of
Africa," they make
very distinctive and
recognizable sounds.

A herd of buffalo with
a hippo checking them
out. Buffalo have a
keen sense of smell.
These buffalo don't
seem very concerned.

Male hippos advertise
their dominance with
loud and repeated
wheezy honks. It's
very funny to hear!

A Nile crocodile. Crocs
can be seen sunning
with their mouths open.
Why? Do you know how
to tell the difference
between a crocodile and
an alligator? Better
check "Animal Facts."

African Fish Eagle.
They are a very
close relative to
the North American
bald eagle. They are
so effective at fishing,
that they spend up to
90% of their day resting!

Did I tell you there
was some bird life
here or what?!

The tall bird among all
the ducks and geese is
a saddle-billed stork.

During the whole cruise,
another photographer
and I were trying to
capture a hippo yawning.
Finally just at the end,
we got our photo! You
have to really fast --
as it happens in seconds --
and as a result, my photo
is blurry. Bummer! Do
you know why hippos
yawn? Better check "Animal Facts."

As we were cruising
back to the lodge, all
of a sudden an elephant
comes running out of
the forest charging us
from the shore! He
was so loud trumpeting
at us -- it kind of
scared you! But then
we were in awe.
Copyright © 2002,
Dawn M. Dalton.
All rights reserved.