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Mandela Stadium.
This giant sports center
was completed in 1998
and cost $28.6 million
to build.

This is an example of
the storefronts along
the roads.

Tea Plantation.
Only tea and sugar are
grown on large estates
in Uganda, which total
98,800 acres.

The most common food
crop is bananas. Uganda's
staple is matoke, steamed
green bananas mashed
up. We tried it, and it
looks and tastes like
mashed sweet potatoes.
It was really good!

A banana tree.
They also make banana
wine, banana gin, and
roasted bananas. They
do eat sweet yellow
bananas, and bananas
make great plugs in
the top of jerry cans.

The economy's backbone
is the coffee industry,
and Uganda is one of
the five leading coffee
growers in the world.
Presently two types of
coffee are grown, Arabic
and Robusta. Next time
you make coffee, check
your label to see
where it came from!

A banana isn't the fruit
of a tree. Banana trees
are really herbs or
enormous grasses. It
takes as long to form
a banana fruit as it
does a human baby,
nine months.

A better glimpse on
what the storefronts
looked like as we
drove along the roads.

Long-horned Ankole
cattle. I remember as
we were approaching
Kampala, I saw an animal
with the longest horns -
at least five feet long!
I was shocked as I've
never seen this before.
Jeff said, "It's time we
take you to Texas, girl!"

Beef from Ankole cattle
has been found to contain
less cholesterol and less
fat content than any other
beef. In another study,
Ankole steers were found
to be able to survive
severe weather.
Copyright © 2002,
Dawn M. Dalton.
All rights reserved.