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This is our tour guide,
Germina, and our driver,
Bonny. Bonny has four
children. We stopped at
his house briefly on the
way back from the Bwindi
Impenetrable Forest (it
was really dark so we
couldn't really see anything).

Here are some people
selling fruit that
they had grown in
their backyards. I'm
not sure what it all
is but that one is huge!

Women walking with
tea bushels on their
heads. We saw many
Africans carrying
jerry cans of water,
bundles of sticks, or
just about anything
on their heads.
Sometimes we would
see small babies tied
to their backs by
sturdy slings.

I got in so much trouble
taking this picture of a
matatu! Africans don't
like to be photographed
without permission, and I
tried to take this on the
sly but my flash went off.
They saw it and as they
passed, they pointed their
fingers and yelled at me.
I felt bad (and it's even
blurry!). But check out
how full they load up
these matatus!

School children
dressed in uniforms.

We saw many school
children walking along
the roads.

Waving children.
This happened all
day long. Fun!

Bananas being taken
to market via bicycles.

African men watching
us as we passed them on
the Kazinga Channel in
Queen Elizabeth Park.

Here they are filling up
jerry cans of water and
either carrying them up
the hill by hand or by bike.
They would have to boil
the water before they
could drink it. I left
this picture big if you
click on it so you
can see their village at
the top of the hill.

We met Linda while
traveling in Uganda.
She sent us this picture
of her on a bike taxi
in the town of Gulu
which is located in
northern Uganda.

Linda also sent us this
picture. The tall thin girl
in the blue school uniform
is Linda's "child" who she
sponsors. The other
people are family, including
Mama and baby sister
[No 7], Jennifer. The
sponsored girl's name is
Agnes, and she's 14. Linda
says she's "just a darling."
Copyright © 2002,
Dawn M. Dalton.
All rights reserved.