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The sign at the
ranger station.

Chambura Gorge.
It's ten miles long.
Can you see how
steep the walls are?

Chambura Gorge.
Perched on the very
top of these trees in
the gorge is where we
saw the black-and-
white columbus.

Our rangers. One
was our guide and
the other one was
there to watch a
hippo eat me!

Dawn deep in the
gorge. You can kind
of tell how dark it
is there. Jeff wanted
to take this picture
to show how proud he
was of his wife for
making this strenuous hike!

What sucks is that I
was taking these
pictures against the sun.
You can't see the chimps
in these pictures!

Chimps are the noisiest
of all wild animals. We
often heard loud "wraaa"
calls (warns of something
unusual or disturbing).

They were also grooming
each other. Why do they
do this? Check out "Animal
Facts" for the answer.

Chimps will mount
organized hunts for red
colobus and other
species of monkeys.
They are very skilled
at doing this -- I saw
a Discovery Channel
special where they
used heat sensors to
track chimps as they
conducted a hunt. They
were ingenious hunters!

Chimps have an
amazing amount of
human behaviors. For
example, they'll use
leaves for napkins and
punch a baboon in the
stomach! While hiking
in this gorge, we came
across the largest and
deepest mud footprints
I've ever seen -- they
were of a hippo! Gigantic!

I really wish these
pictures were better.
This was such a
neat thing to see!

Here's a very small tree
we used to cross the
river. You literally have
to use the branch of
another tree to pull and
then swing yourself over!

Back again across this
tree. Our ranger said
that a few weeks earlier,
a German hiking with him
fell into the river! And
when he crossed back
over later, he fell in again!

Here I am crossing back
over the larger log. You
have to concentrate so
you don't fall and
become crocodile food!
Copyright © 2002,
Dawn M. Dalton.
All rights reserved.