Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling), Jan Davis (Haslett),
and Karen Hudson (Polk).
Anchorage, AK.
September 2003.
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling), Kelley Cizek (Butler), and her daughters Victoria and Anna.
Anchorage, AK.
September 2003.

Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling)
and Skip Townsend
his home.
Detroit, MI.
July 2004.

Christine Carmen (Hagenhoff),
Roseann Platt (Taylor), and
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling).
Las Vegas, NV.
December 2004.

Karen Hudson (Polk),
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling),
and Laurie Johnson (Wiles).
Anchorage, AK.
December 2005.