Sally Janis and husband Marc Wright in Munich, Germany. August 1997.
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling), Teacher Pete Tryon, Kelley Cizek (Butler), and Kelley's daughter, Victoria.
Anchorage, AK.
August 2000.
Jan Davis (Haslett) and her
son Gaten outside her home
in Anchorage, Alaska. August 2000. |
Kelley Cizek (Butler) and her daughter Victoria riding a ride at the Alaska State Fair, Palmer, Alaska.
August 2000.
Tammy Woller and I.
She came to visit me at
my home in the San
Francisco Bay Area. October 2000.
Roseann Platt (Taylor)
and her family.
Las Vegas, Nevada. December 2000.
Dawn Deren (Moe), me, and Correna Genders (Krook). Denver, Colorado.
June 2001.
Karen Hudson (Polk), me,
Jan Davis (Haslett), and
Kelley Cizek (Butler).
Anchorage, Alaska.
June 2001.
Linda Vick (Gauthier) from
the Class of 1985.
Anchorage, Alaska.
June 2001.