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Teacher: ??
Alphabetical Order:
**Can someone put these in the proper order according to the photograph?**
Dexter Adams, Eugene Aldridge, Steven Anderson, Veronica Bickley, Bradley Booker, Darrin Bradshaw, Kathleen Bright, Michael Bush, Alan Bussell, Louis Calabrese, Howard Cantrell, John Catiller, Steven Chambers, Michelle Coatney, Shawn Cole, Charles Collins, Don Collins, Michael Cruz, Ronald Cummings, Kimberly Darling, Amy Davis, Keith Davis, Kenneth Deede, David Degraffenreid, Layton DiMassimo, Mark Dodson, Dwayne Douglas, James Durr, Cora Falke, Fred Farrington, Norman Fields, Jody Gieber, Leslie Green, Stephanie Green, Shannon Griffin, Clyde Harris, Kimberly Hart, John Hauri, James Hayes, Kayleen Higbee, Trevor Hodge, Jane Howard, Charles Hunziker, Helen Huseby, John Inman, Tracy Jefferson, David Jenkins, Steven Jenkins, Johnnetta Jones, Wallace Jones, Jay Lairson, Alex Lake, Lisa Landers, Nixza Landers, Tyrone Landers, Flore Lekanof, Patrick Loghry, Tony Lowe, Patricia Ludlow, Glen MacGregor, Sandra Magana, Steven Marshall, Angela Matthews, Kelly McDonald, Patrick McDonald, Sean Myers, Tammy Nelson, Jeffrey Newstead, Kenneth Nitchman, Kenneth Noland, Shawn O'Donald, Roger Owensby, Brian Paige, James Pairmore, Teresa Pilkington, Theresa Porth, Thomas Porth, Dianna Quates, Barbara Reeves, Michelle Richardson, John Rodgers, Sean Salters, Leila Sanchez, John Schumacher, Billy Simms, Jesse Smith, Derrick Spruill, Richard Stephens, Meegan Steward, Leechonna Stokes, Carl Tarkington, Tracy Thacker, Crystal Thaxton, Phillip Todd, Joseph Toombs, Audrea Trent, Gary Triestram, Michael Turner, John Vallette, Lyle Ward, Bryan White, Steven White, Dawn Wiggin, Reginald Williams, Troy Wilson.
JROTC Drill Team
Teacher: ??
The JROTC Drill Team won the 1985 Western U.S. Drill Championships, and they were invited to participate in the Nation Invitational Match in Hawaii where they garnered the runner-up trophy.
**Can someone put these in the proper order according to the photograph?**
Antonio Landers (Team Commander), Trevor Hodge, Derrick Spruill, Tony Lowe, Carl Tarkington, Steve Jenkins, Patrick McDonald, Howard Cantrell, Fred Farrington, Jeff Neustead, Kelly McDonald, Glen MacGregor, Jody Gieber.
Advisor: ??
Richard Traini, Jr., Heather Purrington, David Gregory.
The Math Club participated in six national tests throughout the year. A math competition was open to the school and the highest winners, Chuck Dunn, Sandra Scott, Don Ryan, Scott Allen, and Steve Padilla, were sent to the District Math Competition at Diamond High School.
Advisor: Ms. Kirbie.
First Row: Don Ryan, Ronald Williams, Chuck Dunn, Dan Church, Steve Padilla.
Second Row: Bill Atkinson, David Gregory, Greg Saunders, Jarle Moen.
Third Row: Ken Noland, Ryan Guthrie.
Teacher: ??
First Row: Amy Conway, Shiho Yoshii, Lara Connerty, Kandace Thomas, Amy Benthien, Tammy Tirnpner, Michelle Martinez, Dawn Rios, Jannice Faber, Jeni Dull, Joanna Hellinger.
Second Row: Kathy McIntosh, Joel Schilling, Carolina Nickolic, Charita Futrell, Natural Dokken, Rachel Sailor, Renee Cherry, Christopher Jones, Terri Schwartz.
Third Row: Lori Holmes, Tonya Lemley, Tonya Williams, Brian Paige, Joseph Toombs, Kara Williamson, Sherri Brunell, Kristie Hughes.
Advisor: Mrs. Simmons.
First Row: Kabrena Rodda, Robert Bulger.
Second Row: Valerie Turner, Maggie Podvin, Mary Davidson, Tyler Chavers, David Belden, Marie Myers, Paula Rodda (President), Jaylene Gernaat, Jenny Atkinson, Beth Janis, Christine Drager.
Third Row: Adrienne Holloway, Andrea Rockwell, Julie Wood, Jarle Moen, Don Ryan, Laurie Wiles (Secretary), Lisa Juriet, Mary VanAsma, Becky Bassette.
Not Pictured: Carolyn Masonheimer (Vice President), Eric Povilus (Treasurer), Dawn Houghtaling.
Advisor: Mrs. Simmons.
First Row: Beth Sharp, Karen Polk, Anita Cukurs, Lisa Juriet, Sharon Smith, Marie Myers, Laurie Wiles, Susan Jensen, Carolyn Masonheimer.
Second Row: Scott Cowan, Cyle Sprick, David Gregory, Sheri Martin, Sandra Scott, Jennifer Isham.
Third Row: Andy Coose, Ben McNaughtan, Terry Trowbridge.
Not Pictured: Rebecca Bassette, Caroline Bolls, Jodi Callahan, Lee Emmenderfer, Yvette Garroutte, Tracy Harpel, Lisa Jackson, Jarle Moen, Danice Roberts, Paula Rodda, Donald Ryan, Mary VanAsma, Ron Williams.
Teacher: Mr. Carlson.
This was the first year for the student newspaper,
named "Bearly ...".
First Row: Monique James, Curtis Thayer, Jodee Fortin, Mr. Carlson, Tommy Bender, Diane Dunham, Christine Hagenhoff, Steve Bolling, Brie Williams.
Second Row: Kelley Butler, Beth Sharp, Stephanie Purcell, Stephanie Wilson, Giles Harrison, Jason Avant, Tammy Woller, Chris Bodewitz, Don Rouse.
Third Row: Jody Griggs, Hugh Curran, Steve Howe, Brian Azmus, Mike McBride.
Not Pictured: Trill Gates, Angie Rais, Dawn Houghtaling.
Thumbnail Section
Bicycle Club
C'Amai Culture Club
Chamber Choir
Chess Club
Computer Club
Concert Band
Creative Culture Club
Forensics Team
French Club
French Honor Society
Honeytree Cuisine
JROTC Drill Team
Latin Club
Math Club
Mixed Choir
National Honor Society
National Honor Soc Grads
Newspaper Staff
OEA Club
Pep Club
Photo Club
Russian Club
Saber Drill Team
Science Club
Spanish Club
Stage Band
Student Gov Officer
Student Gov Officers
Student Gov Exec Board
Student Gov Members
Symphonic Band
Yearbook Staff