The intent of this remembrance page is for Wallace's family and
friends to tell us how they will always remember him. Pretend
you're telling someone about Wallace. You would describe his
personality, characteristics, traits, values, strengths,
weaknesses, mannerisms, likes, dislikes, style, funny quirks,
etc. For example, you would begin by saying "Wallace was..."
Please send me these memories. Thanks!
I'll always remember Wally as a carefree, fun-loving guy. He was full of life, and he always had a positive
attitude about everything. He was voted by the class as "The Nicest," which was truly appropriate!
I remember his big smile, and how much fun he was to be around.
I remember in 1989 a representative from the Navy came to interview me as he was conducting a security
clearance background check on Wally. Wally had put me as a character reference, and I was
so honored! I lost touch with him shortly after that, and I was shocked to learn of his death at the 10 year
class reunion. I miss him dearly.
Wally was one of the few people that I remember at BHS. He was full of passion, life, and the pursuit of
happiness. I'm sorry to hear about his death, and I will pray for him and his family.
He will live in my memory, and his kindness will serve
me well with my Marines.
Memorial Section
Monceaux Page