Lisa (Illiya Pekich's wife), back of
Tammy Cowan (Harris), Erna Berletich (Chris'
date), back of Jennifer Dennis (Isham),
Chris Bodewitz, and Laurie Johnson (Wiles)
[left to right].
Dave Silver and Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling)
[left to right].
Laurie Almquist, Giles Harrison,
Renee Wolff (Law), and Jody
Halliday (Griggs) [left to right].
Michelle Perminov (Petersen) and
Jim Blackmon [left to right].
Back of Jody Halliday (Griggs),
Caroline Johengen (Bolls), and back
of Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling) [left to right].
Meg Smith (Brown) and daughters
Kaylin and Justine.
Andrew Loomis, Stephanie Butler (Green),
Giles Harrison, Mike (Jennifer Isham's
husband), Greg Saunders, and Duane
Jones [left to right].
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