Roseann Platt (Taylor), Trill Webster (Gates),
and Anna Stiller (Jose) [back row - left to right].
Bob (Roseann's husband), Tony (Trill's husband),
and Mark (Anna's husband) [front row - left to right].
"Yea, right!" winks Toby Barnhart [left]!
Brian Petro, and Mike (Jessica
Johnson's husband) [left to right].
Tammy Cowan (Harris), Scott Cowan,
and David Anderson [left to right].
Jan Haslett, Jeff Ostrom, Caroline Johengen (Bolls),
and Chris (Caroline's husband).
"Let's party!" Anna Stiller (Jose).
Jody Halliday (Griggs) and
Giles Harrison [left to right].
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