Hello BHS Class of '86!
The FINAL deadline is fast approaching for the 25th Reunion Cruise!
Please contact our travel agent by Saturday, November 20th, 2010.
Contact info: Gloria Boensch - (989) 737-4401; (989) 652-8268; Gboensch@chartermi.net
See the web site for all the details about the cruise (costs, etc).
Please also look at the web site to see where the RSVP list stands at this time. If you have not RSVP'd yet, please do so now! I sincerely hope you're able to make the reunion, as it's going to be sooooo much fun!!
Other news. I'm always looking for donations to help pay for class mailings, the web site hosting, etc. If interested, contact me for my address.
If you have changed your mailing address, phone number, or you want to be contacted at a different email address, please send me an email with your updated information. Thanks!
Please look at the web site for all those missing, and let me know if you have any information on any of these missing alumni.
I look forward to cruising with everyone!
I also want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season!
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling)
BHS Class of '86 Alumni Chair