Hello BHS Class of 1986!
Last minute RSVP payments are rolling in, and the turn out is going to be HIGH. I'm totally stoked!
Reminder #1 -- Hotel Rooms
Hotel rooms will be released on Monday. My little fingers will be dialing them all and canceling all remaining rooms. So book NOW!
Reminder #2 -- T-shirts
I'm waiting for a few checks for the t-shirts, and then I'll be placing the order. There's still time to buy one if you do it
NOW by the PayPal link on the web site, or if you send me a check but let me know it's coming. Don't hesitate on this one!
Reminder #3 -- Videos
Can't attend but planning to send in a "current" video of yourself?
Do you have any "old" video footage of high school or the 10 year reunion?
You need to send it NOW to Devin Quince:
13818 North 19th Way, Phoenix, AZ 85022; (602) 971-0210; questions: devq@qwest.net.
Take care,
Dawn Dalton (Houghtaling)
BHS Class of 1986 Chair